Karen Corcoran


Karen Corcoran has been working at the PLUS Company as a Direct Support Professional for 7 years. When asked how she first heard about the position, she explained, “When my son Sean started to attend PLUS during and after high school, I became involved in The PLUS Company’s PLUS Pride Special Olympics program. [...]

Singa Jimba


Singa Jimba has been with The PLUS Company for two years, and has made a huge impression on the clients he works with in that time. Singa works primarily in the residential department, supporting two ladies who live together in a staffed home. He says he loves his job and the growth he [...]

Vicky Mercado


Vicky Mercado is a shining star working in our Community-Based Day Supports program in Massachusetts. According to her supervisors, Vicky sparkle with energy and brightens the day of everyone she comes into contact with. Coworkers and the clients she works with all benefit from her compassion, kindness, and optimism. Vicky also has a [...]

Sushila Joshi


Sushila Joshi has been a DSP at The PLUS Company since 2004, when she first heard about the position through her brother. What she likes the best about her job at PLUS is providing support and encouragement for client, transporting clients to and from activities, and more, recently, acting as the house manager [...]

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